7 Wonders of Kendra Brown's World

7 Wonders of Kendra Brown's World

Not only is Kendra Brown the author of Small but Mighty: Why Earth’s Tiny Creatures Matter (Owlkids Books, September 2021), she is also the former editor of OWL Magazine, which pretty much makes her a super hero in my eyes!

These days, Kendra is a writer and editor at Ontario Science Centre (how cool is that?!), while also continuing to work on new projects for young readers, including her first piece of fiction, which is forthcoming in Chirp Magazine’s January/February 2023 issue, which also happens to be their dinosaur issue (YAY!).

In addition to all this awesomeness, she has some of the most epic tattoos I have ever seen.

1. The first bite of ice cream

My forever favourite is mint chip. I also love Bang Bang Ice Cream’s Golden Oreo and Ruru Baked’s Cookies. And that first bite? It always makes me smile, sigh and be damn glad to be alive at a time when food like this exists. 

2. The colour of sunflowers

You simply cannot be sad when you see that golden yellow, especially when it’s up against a bright blue sky. Go ahead and try to tell me I’m wrong. You can’t. 

3. The ecstasy and the agony of Aretha Franklin’s voice

I love all soul music. Always have, always will. It’s my favourite music genre. And Aretha Franklin is my number one. I have been listening to her sing about heartache and R-E-S-P-E-C-T since I was a kid. No one sings it like the Queen of Soul. 

4. The smell of peppermint, eucalyptus and lavender

I start almost every day with a blend of peppermint, eucalyptus and lavender essential oils in a hot shower (with a blast of cold water at the end). And throughout the day, I often rub my temples, neck and wrists with Leaves of Trees’ Calm Balm. Instant serenity.  

5. The satisfaction of finishing a book and the excitement of starting a new one

One of the best feelings in the world is that moment when you open a new book to the first page and begin reading. It’s exhilarating—like setting out on a new adventure. I also love the feeling of finishing a book. Even if I’m slightly devastated to see it come to an end, I still feel satisfied that I completed another adventure. And, of course, I can go off on another one any time I want! Isn’t reading the best?

6. The sound of skates on ice

I spent a good chunk of my childhood on the ice. I started figure skating when I was six years old, competing solo and on various teams until I was 16. Although I took a long break from the sport, not picking it up again for another 20 years, I never lost love for it. And the sound of freshly sharpened blades on a smooth surface of ice remains music to my ears.  

7. The purr of my cat

Cats are magical creatures. And our family feline, Pumpkin, is the most magical of all (I know, I’m a completely biased pet owner). Nothing soothes like his soft purr, especially when his warm little body is snuggled up against my legs and I can both hear and feel those therapeutic vibrations. Perfection.

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