7 Wonders of Anna Humphrey's World
Anna Humphry is the author of 12 books for middle grade readers, including the incredible Megabat series. Her most recent title, Bea and Flea and the Compost Caper was such a hit with my daughter Mae that she actually asked to give up her morning screen time to read it alone in her closet!
In addition to being a master of middle grade novels, Anna is also a freelance editor and copywriter, creates beautiful works of embroidery, and is one of my all-time favourite coffee dates.
Anna’s next book, Bee and Flea and the Puddle Problem, is forth coming from Owlkids Books in 2023.
Peace and Quiet
I’m a true-blue introvert in that I function and recharge best in silence. Oh, man, I ADORE silence. The pandemic was hard on extroverts, who couldn’t socialize, but being home with family 24/7 was equally hard on those of us who work best with a daily dose of solitude.
Note: Despite needing solitude, I LOVE my family. They are the most wonderous of wonderous things and belong at the top of my list, but they don’t like it when I write about them, so…
We were lucky to have the space and funds to build me a little writing cabin in the backyard in 2020. It provides guaranteed calm and quiet which, for me, is a very precious thing.
We call it the Cabanna—since it’s a cabin for an Anna.
2. Cats
I can’t remember a time when I didn’t love cats. I was telling my mom the other day that if five-year-old me could hear about my life today she’d LOSE HER MIND. I mean, I get to be a mummy! I make money writing stories! And I have cats! Lots of cats!
Four to be exact, which is maybe too many cats, but what’s your point?
Plus, because four is somehow too-many and not-enough, I volunteer at a local stray cat rescue. It’s closed to the public on weekdays, so it’s usually just me cleaning litter boxes and scritching the ears of 70-or-so felines.
Silence (except for the odd purr or meow). It’s heaven.
Me with the first of many shelter cats who’ve stolen my heart.
3. Snail-slime-based Skin Care Products
I can see you making an ick face from here, but don’t knock it till you try it.
My good friend Lauren told me about the wonders of this Korean skincare trend and it has changed my life (or, at least, my skin). Every now and then an (extremely kind) person will act surprised when they find out I’m in my mid-40s.
That’s enough for me. SNAIL FOR PRESIDENT!!
How do they get the slime off the snail? It’s probably better not to know. (Although I’ve been assured no snails are harmed in the process.)
4. Zumba
I might have mentioned a few times that I like silence and being alone… but what can I say? I’m a bundle of contradictions. Other times I like loudness and being in a big group.
Zumba is a Latin-inspired dance workout where you shake-it-shake-it and shout “OUUU OUUU” a lot.
It’s sassy, sweaty and (at least at the studio I go to) deeply silly. I try to get to at least three classes a week. The teachers and other dancers are an endless source of laughter and positivity in my life.
I dressed up as Exercise Barbie for the Zumba Halloween party—and it WASN’T EVEN the best costume there. Like I said, extreme silliness goes on.
5. This Chair
This is where you can usually find me writing with my laptop. Well, here or in the other chair I have that’s exactly like it. (I love it so much that I have one in my writing cabin and another in the living room near the fireplace.)
You can keep your standing desks, and don’t even talk to me about your treadmill desks! I’m all about the reclining chaise desk.
As if this chair wasn’t cushy enough, I have a massage pad that can fit over the back, transforming it into a reclining massage chaise desk.
6. Driving
I can’t believe I love it, but I do. I didn’t properly learn to drive until a few years ago. I used to shake uncontrollably every time I had to get behind the wheel.
Getting comfortable in the driver’s seat was a huge struggle for me, which is maybe why it feels like such an achievement. There’s an unbelievable sense of freedom in being able to go pretty much anywhere you want. I don’t think I’ll ever take it for granted.
This is my new car, Dolly. I love everything about her, but mostly I love how she’s a daily reminder that the best things in life are often waiting for us just on the other side of our fear.
7. Kid Mail
The writing business is full of rejection. No matter how many books an author has on the shelf, there will be manuscripts that don’t get picked up for publication, reviews that are less-than-glowing (or sometimes downright mean), so so many awards you won’t win or even get nominated for, days when you feel like a total fraud.
But then there’s mail. And, if you’re a children’s author, it’s kid mail: the best mail on Earth.
I treasure every drawing or letter and keep them on a special shelf where I can see them while I write.
When a kid has read and enjoyed one of my books… when it made them laugh or was part of a special bedtime story memory… and then on top of that, when they took the time to put pencil or crayons to paper to let me know… that’s pretty much EVERYTHING.
Kid mail melts my heart. Every. Single. Time.