7 Wonders of Robin Lefler's World
Photo by Chris Bogdon
Next month, my friend Robin’s debut novel Reasonable Adults hits shelves, and believe me when I tell you you’re going to love it. Like, immediately run out and buy copies for your mom, your favourite aunt, and your best seven friends kind of love it. I was lucky enough to read a very early draft, and I can remember the moment, maybe twenty pages in, when I sat straight up (in the bath, where I do most of my reading) and whispered “HOLY SHIT!” out loud to the empty bathroom. I realized then and there that I the story I was holding was pure gold.
As is Robin herself. Whip smart, with warmth for days and wit that just won’t quit, Robin is equal measures self-assured and self-deprecating. She has impeccable taste in pottery, is one of the most fun moms I know, and bakes great cakes. And, if all that wasn’t enough, she is an insightful and generous critique partner and an unfailingly loyal friend. In short, this woman is defiantly a wonder of my world, and I couldn’t resist asking her to share some wonders of her own.
1. Walking in the woods
Exercise is one of those things I'm happy to have done, but hate in the moment - except for walking in a forest. I'm thrilled to do that almost any time. My writing brain seems to work overtime there, throwing out ideas and solving plot problems that have been plaguing me. Magical.
2. A mug with good hand-feel
I have a lot of mugs. Too many, really. But I can't resist a ceramic mug that feels right when I cradle it in my hands. The perfectly sized handle. A lip that allows for minimal dribbling while distractedly sipping. A bottom edge that welcomes your fingers as they wrap around for warmth. *insert satisfied sigh*One of my favourite things to do when people come over is let them pick a mug or drinking vessel that feels right to them. Seeing what people gravitate to is endlessly interesting for me. And yes, I'm very fun at parties.
3. Cottage bookshelves
The glory of a cottage bookshelf! Decades of mass-market paperbacks with their cracked spines and dog-eared pages. Put me in a cabin and the first place I'll head is for the books. Well, maybe the view first, but then the books. I love cottage bookshelves so much that I asked my husband to build me some for our den. They're the perfect size for mass-markets and make me happy every time I walk into the room.
4. Doggos!
Give me those wagging tails and goofy dog smiles. Give me the snoring snoot in bed beside me, hogging my pillow. Give me the aggressive cuddles or distracting insistence that this is the perfect time to play when I'm feeling down. We have a twelve-year-old goldendoodle, Charlotte, and a six-year-old lab x pointer, Waylon. They drive me bonkers while also keeping me sane. It's a strange but necessary balance.
5. Solitude
I'm someone who enjoys and needs social interaction but is also exhausted by it. With a job that has me talking to people all day, and two young kids, the moments I'm entirely alone are few and far between. They're also precious. Over the past few years I've learned that if I don't actively take that time, I can't be the most functional version of myself. It can be hard to carve out but is absolutely worth the effort.
6. LenJo Bakes breakfast pies
I could eat these every day. LenJo Bakes makes savory breakfast pies in different flavours each Saturday and they are perfect. The crust! The filling! The accompanying hot sauce! *swoons*
7. The Writing Community
If someone asked me what the best thing about my author experience has been, I'd say it's the incredible community that supports writers (published and not). I never expected that people who are so busy with their own projects and day-to-day lives would be available for pep talks, problem-solving, and answering my newbie questions. And not just available, but enthusiastic. Two years in and it still surprises and delights me.
Reasonable Adults, Robin Lefler’s debut novel, is out next month from Harper Collins Canada, just in time for the holidays! Buy a copy for all the readers on your list! Or, gift it to yourself and enjoy an cozy winter evening curled up by the fire, preferably with a boozy hot chocolate in hand.
*Cover shot of Robin by Alex Dekker