7 Wonders of Jen Vasic's World
Photo by Bangishimo
Jen Vasic is a woman of many talents! Not only is she a city councillor for the City of Waterloo, she is also a social worker, a researcher, and a PhD candidate, a writer, and a parent. Together with her friend Natasha Steer, she co-authors the amazing blog Bookstore Love, which shines a light on independent bookstores. The pair also offer a personalized book curation service through their website.
Though her work has so many facets, the thread that runs through all of them is a deep and enthusiastic commitment to community. Jen and I have yet to meet in person (maybe 2023 will be the year!), but I’m continually inspired by the knowledge that she’s out there in the community we share, making things better for everyone in any and every way she can.
Morning coffee
Coffee mug by Studio 648 Pottery
I started drinking coffee in my mid-late twenties. Before that, I thought I was better than coffee. I am not and coffee has stolen my heart – and tastebuds and whatever the thing is that makes you need the coffee so you don’t get a headache. I’m no coffee connoisseur, not even in the slightest. I simply love the routine of preparing the French press in the morning and the feeling of settling in after/because of that first sip.
2. Coffeeshop chats
Selfie of Jen and a group of older adult men at Seven Shores Community Café in Waterloo
Eight or so years ago, I befriended an old professor of mine who had since retired and become a co-owner and regular at a local community cafe, Seven Shores. One morning we were sitting beside one another. Intrigued (more like, dismayed) at how he saw me conceptualizing my academic work, he struck up a conversation and since he’s become a mentor to me in my political work, his late wife having been a Mayor and me now being a ward councillor on that same council. Critique and challenging one another in the pursuit of a better world remains at the core of our relationship.
3. Indie Bookstores
Screen shot of our Bookstore Love blog
Walking into my local indie makes me feel cozy, calm, and connected – to other patrons, to the staff who are so welcoming and knowledgeable, and to the physical books themselves. During the pandemic, my friend Natasha Steer and I, beyond purchasing from them ourselves, wanted to do our part to help indie bookstores keep their doors open. That’s when we started our Bookstore Love project, where we interviewed and promoted indie bookstores. We’re 27 interviews in and are more in love with indie bookstores and all they do for literacy and communities than ever.
4. Magazines
I associate magazines with summer vacations, or Saturday night stay-at-home date nights with my mom. I also love the shortness and longness of magazines – the satisfaction of finishing an article in one sit and the substantial thought and research that went into a piece. Magazines are one of the only things I have a hard time decluttering, and I love decluttering, even books!
5. Friday night pizza and movie night
Pineapple pizza
This wonder is part I love pizza plus cozying up with my family after a long week plus falling asleep in front of a movie plus the imminent two-day break from getting kids ready for daycare/school.
6. Cider
Beers and cider cans lined up
With or without alcohol. My favourite place to pick up the alcoholic kind is at the Sidewalk Beer Shop in Waterloo, Ontario.
7. Bodies of water
Looking out of window at the sun, lake, and trees.
I’m an Aries, for what that’s worth to those who believe or not in astrology, but more times than not, the descriptors fit. Aries is a fire sign and to boot, I’m a double Aries, though I don’t know enough about astrology to explain what that means, but I do think it means I’m doubly fiery, which is both good and bad. Regardless, it requires some taming and being by a body of water does that for me.
Connect with Jen Online:
Website: jenvasicwaterloo.ca
Instagram (personal and political): jenvasic
Bookstore Love + Book Curation: natandjen.com
Bookstore Love Instagram: _natandjen